Beyond Basic: The Art of Minimalism

Sunday, August 28, 2016

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As you already know, I’ve just renovated my room! Initially, Adelia and I were sharing 1 study and 1 bedroom but since we’re all grown up, we’ve agreed that both of us will have one room each. One of the looks that I really wanted my room to mimic was a consistent minimalist theme.
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So, when we got the carpenters to come in to build our cupboards, I asked for white-everything. White walls, white cupboards, white tables. You know how you see all those Pinterest photos and all you can dream about is a fully white room? Little did I know that it ended up looking a little like a hospital which got me pretty scared of my decision! :( 
I learnt that a minimalist theme doesn’t just mean to have your room white washed. It also means that you are given a clean slate to play around with more materials so that, in turn, the objects in the room will stand out.

What is Minimalist Decoration? 
Minimalism design uses simple and natural forms. It's based on oriental style in design , which particularly, and very surprisingly was inspired by the classic Japanese design. A little known fact is that this style, though popular today, originated in the 1917. 
Minimalism in interior design's main elements focus on shape, colour and texture. In modern minimalism, design accent is made with geometric shapes. Shiny surfaces and other neutral coloured materials accentuate the style too.

Beyond Basic 
Currently, one of my favourite items in the room is this marble slab. The thing about marble is that it adds texture to your white and furnishes your room with a tad bit of class. What I like about it is that it levitates my ornaments and makes them stand out from the white cupboards.
If you enjoy marble like me, you're in luck because Beyond Basic wants to extend the love to you :) Key in <BBAO10> for a 10% discount upon check out! *Code only lasts till 10 Sept 2016.
Happy shopping, ladies! 

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