ADM/hope cookout

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The chefs, Viv and Pete,  really outdone themselves

May i bring your attention to the little umbrellas that BroJo bought and basically used for and on everything
Chris's freshies survival kit
Vivi's bro who was soo helpful
Some super good four leaves strawberry shortcake
Birthday Girls
Dearest Chris
Sam & I being unicorns

Parties aren't really my thing but I'm glad Viv appointed me to be the photographer for this one. I really didn't know she only wanted me to use my iPhone to shoot, so I brought lugged the elinchrom and 5D down to Panjang (which is a pulau by itself too ah, viv. sorry). It was a painfully long ride, but it was worth it. I kinda really enjoy the 1 point lighting from the strobe for our booth. 
Food wise, Viv & Pete deserve rounds of applause. They made almost everything on the table, and trust me, it was a big table (x2). It was a "Welcome to ADM" cum "Happy Birthday Chris & HH" party mashed into one, so all the Hope people came together for the first time. It's quite liberating to know that so many people in your community come from the same school, with similar interests~
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