Hello // Back Story of Us

Monday, December 21, 2015

Remember the list of things I wanted to accomplish this holiday? Yea, that flew right out the window. Which got me thinking, what exactly have I spent my free time on? ha ha ha. Answer: le boyfriend. Those of you who've been following my exchange journey, there's been talk of some mysterious "D" probably 30 posts back. That my friends would be Daniel. So... in this post, I will attempt to recall memories before and during the first few months of us. Bear with me.

How We First Met 
The first time Daniel and I met was in SMU for a hall pageant photoshoot. (I posted about it here, way back in 2014) I was in the committee and in charge of doing the shoot for the contestants. They were all supposed to meet for hair and make up in one of the tutorial rooms. Daniel was late because had to buy a new pair of jeans. When he arrived, I was all like dude, are you even Chinese? Why are you Daniel CHAN? If you haven't already seen Daniel, we've concluded that he looks like a North Indian more than anything. 
Anyway, the shoot went pretty well. Mark, who was helping me with the guys' poses, agreed that we should get Daniel to "smile with his eyes" or in layman's terms, smirk Daniel smirk!! That's what he did and I was literally melting behind the camera lens.  He has a really nice smize. While editing the photos that night, I had to do a top secret phone call to Tiara just to gush how nice his smize was. "Top Secret" because I was scheduled to judge that year and I couldn't seem biased towards any contestant. So, for that whole period, nobody knew I was eye-candying him *insert evil smile*.
How We Started Talking 
The whole pageant craze took pretty long to die down. This probably only ended in November. Around that same period, I got an email from NTU Hotbox to do an advertorial blog and instagram post (Remember the post about 3 supper places near NTU?). It was during church service when I got a random Facebook message from Daniel talking about how sinful my tissue prata photo looked. Contrary to my often emotionless face, I was all like Hallelujahhhh, eye candy text me omgah. And that's how we got from talking to dating.

You know how they always tell you to "rip the bandage off"? I didn't know how to break it to Daniel that I was leaving for 6 months. So... I just told it to his face with a smile:) and hoped for the best.............. 6 months was no joke. It's funny because we only went out on 4-5 dates before my departure yet we were both already committed to making the 6 months work. With the little foundation that we had, that was some kinda miracle right there. IT WAS mothaflipping tough, but the chocolates he sent helped a little.

Derping Out.
Fast Foward 
It's around this time last year when all these happened. Today, we're just thankful that all that shenanigans of waiting for each other is in the past. So because it was a photoshoot that sparked this thing off, we decided to celebrate our victory from LDR by doing one. This time with both of us in the photo. And also because I'm very anal with the photos I post of us (must be good quality la, must have depth of field blablabla).  
Hope you enjoy the photos Cheryl took for us as much as we did shooting them.

Have a lovely week ahead guys xx
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