"Eyes on me & no one else"

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Photo by Faith Cheryl <3

I didn't do a Valentine's Day post because V-day is overratedly mushy. But I thought I should at least acknowledge it's existence by posting the back story of this photo. 
This was the very last photo of shoot day a few months ago. We were tired after 2 locations. To top that off, Gardens By The Bay was no less merciful with its myriad of Winter Wonderland visitors. The ghostly figures in the background would be the souls staring at us as we did multiple 3 second exposure shots. 
Modelling for some shoots takes some real thick skin but doing this was a level up. We draped fairy lights around us. Then, plonked ourselves right in front of the carousel where nobody else dared obstruct. Cheryl wiped out her pro tripod and wide angle lens. We begun. (Side note: I'm sorry, Cheryl, for giggling so much.) I tried my best to co-operate but I felt them stares burning right through me. Daniel said that there were people going awww and stuff. I couldn't deal.
Burying my face in his chest, he whispered, "Eyes on me and no one else", which kinda makes sense, and is still applicable in our daily lives (in some weird way). Yeap, eyes on you, babe. Only you x Happy (belated) Vday. 
Thank you Cheryl for the shot. You're amazing always!!
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