Of Monsters and Men Concert giveaway tix

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hey, everyone! Thank you for your support thus far on this giveaway. I wish I had more space to write the reason I'm giving away these concert tickets to Of Monsters and Men on the various social media platforms but, you know, social media and their fast paced readership. 
As a WOAHfest ambassador, I'm very honoured to be blessed with 2 tickets for their side shows and festival. The organizers set aside 2 tickets for Death Cab for Cutie for Dan & I the last time. And for Of Monsters and Men was no different. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it next Tuesday for their concert - hence, I'd like to giveaway my pair of passes to the winner of this giveaway.
If you're an Of Monsters and Men fan, they'll be playing the Coliseum Hard Rock on the 10th May. Tickets are going for $99 (VIP tickets are all sold out). Or:

1. Head over to @manda.olivia on instagram
2. Like & Comment on who you'd like to take along with you

This giveaway ends today at 1159pm!

Alternatively, quote <WOAHamanda> for a $10 discount from your ticket on peatix!
PS:// Shitty quality vid but thanks Adelia Lim for singing with me! It's been too long 
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