I usually only blog about press events that are super extravagant or if I really like the product.
The new Fresh Black Tea Kombucha Facial Essence Treatment hits both criteria.
It was situated in the gorgeous COMO Cuisine on Dempsey Hill. It was my first time there so the deco just screamed #interiorgoals to me - definitely a place to hold Fresh's press event!

Wearing chapalang to this event because it was a lonnggg week at work.
Outfit details:
Top - Pomelo Fashion
Bottoms - The Editor's Market
Shoes - Zalora
My Recent Skin-Story
My skin has been feeling so absolutely horrible recently. Maybe's the weather? Anyone else feels this?
I've never had eczema in my life but my skin recently started peeling massively around the nose region and it came to a point where even my lips were affected. My lips cracked and even became eczema. It got so bad that my normal lips swelled up to twice its size and it was burning so badly - even had to take MC from work.
I went to a derm and he recommended me with a steroid cream and to ONLY use products that are won't irritate sensitive skin. I ended up trying this Kombucha product from the press kit and it's really light on the skin!! :') It's one of the few products that doesn't irritate dry skin.
So yes, tried and test. I'm your guinea pig, friends. You're welcome.

Back to the program -
Here's Lavee getting her Tea leaves reading done! HAHA.

They served cocktails with kombucha. It was sooo lovely.
I've heard so much about Kombucha and the benefits of it but I always just thought it was something like yakult - like a yogurt kinda thing. Boy, was I wrong. It's more of a refreshing fizzy tea that's brewed with bacteria/scobies (they freak me out because they look like placentas, gross?!).
During the event, the Founders of Fresh gave an awesome introduction to the brand and the reason why they picked to use Kombucha in this product. The idea behind the product is really to help against dullness, clogging and pollution in the air. Tea itself is full of antioxidents, which is a free radical fighter. Through the process of fermentation, kombucha has added probiotic qualities that help balance and keep the skin healthy! It also helps with overall clarity and skin texture, moisturizing skin and boosting radiance.

If your skin is currently throwing a fit or you're experiencing a horrible unexplanable wreck of a face, you can try using this product with this facial regime:
1. Remove make up with NON-ALCOHOL BASED cleanser
(this helps tonsss)
2. Cleanse face with a cleanser for sensitive skin
(cleanse twice if you have to!)
3. Use this Fresh toner
(I usually use 3-4 dabs of it)
4. Put a good serum
5. Moisturize
6. Sleep mask (for night)

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