Home: by Hanli

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Shot this gorgeous human being awhile back in her new space. 

I'm finally back here penning my thoughts down.
I haven't been updating this space in a while because I've been swamped but thank you for sticking around. 

Home is an elusive concept that goes beyond the physical shelter.
I remember doing a grilling 1 year of FYP on the topic of "Home" - and how it's a feeling rather than a physical place.

In this day and age, we are all digital nomads to an extent. How we work in the world today goes beyond the 4 walls.

Now that I've been in and out of the country for work (I've spent 15 out of 30 days of my time away from SG this month), I'm starting remind myself that Home is where I make it.

Good night calls can be taken from my bedroom in SG or anywhere in the world. New friends can be made anytime and anywhere - it really doesn't matter which country you're in.

Drawing parallels from being "home" based vs outward bound, all these new experiences are, at the same time, not conceptually new. I've done it all before.

Where do you find shelter and how are you making that your home?

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