BTS: Olympus E-PL8 review

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Recently hung out with Audrey K to shoot. Missed this girl tons! Will share more photos from that shoot soon-ish but till then, here in the upcoming photos, are behind the scenes on Audrey's and my photoshoot around Botanic Gardens with the Pen E-PL8.

We were shooting around Botanic Gardens but decided to head to Atlas Coffeehouse for some coffee. I decided to bring this camera out to test it in daylight and in the open. 

If you're new to photography and are looking for a starter camera, the Olympus E-PL8 is a good beginner's mirrorless for you (especially since there's an ongoing promo now - scroll to the bottom of this post)

This is my first time using an Olympus and I like how the colours have played out. They look slightly muted!

The lens I'm using can capture a range of photos - from wide-angle to portrait. I'm not usually one for art filters but they have 15 for you to choose from. Pretty interesting.

It was easy to transfer the photos to my phone too for quick uploading because of its wifi function. I thought it was pretty cool too because there's a flip down screen, in case you want to take selfies/vlogs.

Screenshot from Olympus website

My favourite thing about the camera is actually the stabiliser. I was trying to video with it and it reduces the shake tremendously, which I was completely amazed at.

If you're looking for a new camera, here's a little early Black Friday promo:
$300 off Olympus with code mandaoliviaxEPL8 (Original price $798)

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