Stress & Rest

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

(Stateland Cafe @ Bali Lane)

As you already know, I'm majoring in Visual Communication in NTU Art, Design & Media. They said that uni is the best time of your life. That period seemingly slipped out of grasp because I'm only left with a couple more months to relish the horrors on FYP (Final Year Project). 
It's only starting to get real because Cindy told us to do up our presentation slides for next week's FYP meeting. I have nothing. The pressure is real. Every year, we see amazing works done by seniors at the design shows and you go like, oh yea, sure, I can totally do that. Dear friend, you are severely wrong.  
Also. Go for exchange, get inspired, they said. HA HA, look at me, the result of exchange. Nothing accomplished, so lardy and tardy, ugh. The most pressing thing about FYP is that it's one HUGE project. It lasts you the entire year picking a topic that doesn't interest you for at least half the span does not make the cut. I'm one who's interested in the little things, so you can imagine my fear of commitment kicking in. It's the whole "YOU HAD ONE JOB, BRO" situation where you only have this chance to prove yourself. Yeap, no pressure at all guys.
Having said that, I'm actually super thankful for Daniel. He's always helping me relieve stress, aka taking me out for waffles and thick toast. We just went for some really good ones at Stateland Cafe on Bali Lane (near Haji Lane - nearest Bugis Mrt). I beg you to try the Classic Honey Toast. It's a thick Hong Kong Style toast with yogurt ice cream, raspberry, blue berry and honey drizzled sauce. We also tried the red velvet waffles which was a major bummer.
Well, this has been a post about work stress and delicious food. I foresee that you'll be getting loads of that in the near future as school + work stress piles up xx. Enjoy your week kidos.
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