A bit on Spontaneity

Sunday, November 22, 2015

This was my FYP Mid term review ^ no, I'm kidding. 

This was the exhibition showcase for Technology Art in Fashion (DA9004). But it was also the day of FYP Presentation. //Shag max// 
I was completely unprepared for the showcase- namely because I was approached 7 hours before the walk. So if you peeped below my dress, you'd find that I'm wearing a pair of white sneakers instead of heels. But anyhoo, Galina was really nice to let me walk for her dress because it's absolutely stunning. I'm glad I spontaneously said yes while a bunch of us were chatting outside the corridor- the best way to destress is to do something where somebody else is stress. So let's have the graphic fashion designers feel the stress this time (hahaha that's such a mean thing to say). 
I was pleasantly surprised to see Mindy there, but then again, why wouldn't this hot sexy mama not be there? You can see our Glinda the Good Witch VS Maleficent moment for the shoot ^ We got Astrid's daughter to twirl for the camera too. This was simply adorable.
Here's to spontaneity. xx
I do need to learn how to consider the people around me though. Thank you Daniel for adapting so well to our change of plans. You're a saint <3
2025 © Manda.. Design by FCD.