
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Kena scolded by reader for not updating, so I'm back here for a bit. What's been up, hmm. I underloaded this sem again. I may be pushing it by registering for only 4 modules, but hey, Imma bring up my GPA this sem yo, then go for exchange & YOLO SU everything. Speaking of exchange, I'll be out of the country for 6 months from Jan onwards because I just got accepted into the University of Hertforshire (UK) for the second semester. Please pat my head. I'm utterly stoked, but I'm really crossing my fingers that Kylie will get in too so that we can travel and basically OOTD everyday. Hahahaha then you'll get sick of my face on insta. 
Another reason why I underloaded was because I kinda had to consider that NPNF rehearsals are Mon to Wed nights till at least 10pm all the way at Toa Payoh. Staying in hall never felt so inconvenient. I self-proclaimed Aurelia & I travel buddies so I won't be epically bored outta my wits on train rides. I feel too unworthy, hanging out with all these cool famous models/bloggers like her (@aureliahathaway), Chanel Lyn (@ohchanelly), Jasmine, blablabla. I'm always in awe when I'm in their presence. Like KK says,"You know you're supposed to feel apologetic when you're not supposed to be in there". *humbled* And the best thing about them is that their all so down-to-earth and nice. How? How. Omg. Just, how? 
Speaking of NPNF, my feature came out on 12 Sept 2014 and if you missed it, well too bad. You can check the NPNF website if you really wanna see it but personally I was quite disappointed with all my photos because I felt I could've done way better with the camera angles and all. I was quite surprised because I saw none of my smiling shots. "I think with your kind of face, they prefer the sultry, disinterested look", quoting Ian Russell. I guess how the NPNF team wants to market me in the industry isn't the way I see myself. But sure, why not, I'm up for trying new things. It's honestly been a great experience thus far. I've never done professional shoots before so when everything's chop-chop yet done with so much crisp planning and precision, I get so amazed. 
But anywayyy, other than my hectic schedule from deadlines in school and NPNF, thank you everyone who's been contacting me to design or shoot for them. I'm soo grateful for the freelance opportunities you've given me, because, well, I like to do these stuff and, one can never have enough cash for shopping. Covered Doves & Ravens gig last Sunday at the Esplanade for Noise Singapore. Their sound is really awesome, please check them out, I'm sure they'll be the next big hit. (Thanks for getting me to shoot for them, val!)
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